You might not have given it enough thought, but there is no denying the fact that construction work is hard. It requires collaboration among people with different ideas from different backgrounds. Generally, a lot of planning goes into this process.

The Most Ridiculous Construction Fails We’ve Ever Seen
However, there are numerous mistakes made by anyone from silly construction workers to DIY homeowners trying to save money. Are you ready to take a look at some of the worst construction fails in history? Try not to facepalm as we go through these photos!
They Got It Wrong
This is a failed design if we ever saw one. If you know anything about architecture at all, you will know that the contractors messed up big time.

They Got It Wrong
We say this because pedestrians will have a tough time entering and going out of the shop considering the way it is set up. The odds are that they must have gotten it all mixed up because the stoop looks just like the symbol for doors in blueprints.
Watch Out
We simply cannot believe that someone out there created this. It is simply insane! We only want to find out if the contractors had been sleeping when doing this…

Watch Out
Did they even test the escalator at all? It would be impossible to use this if you are headed upstairs since you will likely hit the ceiling. The tallest point of the escalator and the ceiling are simply too close.
Too Near The Stove
This drawer cannot be opened all the way whatever you do. Why? Look at how close it is to the stove knob.

Too Near The Stove
We have no idea why someone thought this was a good idea. It is essentially a useless drawer! The only way to fix this is to reconstruct it all together.
Working Hard for Your Money
Whoa, this has got to be the highest ATM ever made. Humans boast of such unpredictable disposition, don’t they? We cannot imagine anyone using this machine comfortably.

Working Hard for Your Money
Perhaps they should also provide a ladder beside it to help people withdraw money easily. Not all of us are NBA players, after all.
Long Limbs Only
If we were using the toilet in this picture, we would have a hard time getting the tissue. No one has arms that they can elongate at will!

Long Limbs Only
The tissue holder is simply located way too far. Could it be that the designer of the bathroom had been planning on messing with us from the very beginning?
Is This Modern Art?
Did you think this was a regular sink? Think again! The person who did this needs to be arrested for the obstruction of comfort.

Is This Modern Art?
It is simply absurd. We cannot come up with a reason to put the sink there. Could it be their way to tell people to multitask? We’ll have to pass on that, sorry.
The Most Useless Bridge In The World
There is no reason for this bridge to exist whatsoever. Why would anyone put a bridge on top of the bare ground? This has got to be the most useless thing in the world.

The Most Useless Bridge In The World
A bridge is placed above a body of water so that people will be able to cross from one side to the other. We would understand this if the pool was connected below it, but no dice.
Too Close For Comfort
When you consider the placements of the toilets pictured here, it is impossible for each one of them to be in use at the same time. There is not enough space in the room to accommodate ten people, after all.

Too Close For Comfort
It seems like this toilet was designed to be the most uncomfortable toilet in the history of mankind.
Amusement Park On The Stairs
Do you want to help us figure out what they wanted to do with the structure placed right on top of the stairs? Was it supposed to be a slide of sorts? We doubt it.

Amusement Park On The Stairs
In all likelihood, they were nothing more than mistakes. They seem too dangerous to use for whatever they had in mind.
Topsy Turvy
How drunk could the carpenter have been if they decided to install the door this way and then call it a day? You do not have to be genius to figure out what is wrong with this photo – it was installed upside down!

Topsy Turvy
If you have not been blessed with observation skills, look at the number on the door. If you want to peek through the glass, you will have to stand upside down, apparently.
Never Heard Of Privacy Before
It seems like there is no more privacy left in the world. You are out of luck if you want to use the bathroom in private.

Never Heard Of Privacy Before
This is absurd because they put up doors, although they were way too high. They might as well have saved the money and not put them in at all.
Challenges Ahead Of You
The poles here are basically blocking the passageway. It must be an error of some sort… There is also a possibility that this is their way of getting people to do some exercise.

Challenges Ahead Of You
If you are up for a challenge, this is the corridor for you. If you just want to get to the other end without a hassle, tough luck.
Going Nowhere At All
Are you kidding me? Where did the designers intend the stairs to go? It is possible that this was what happened when the owners of the home wanted to dispose of the extra they had at the house.

Going Nowhere At All
Well, it is definitely an effective way to waste cement if you feel like it. Build stairs that make zero sense and confuse everyone else with the structure.
Stay Out If You Want
How odd! They might have installed that fancy gate over there, but why did they limit it to that side? Everyone else is still free to come and go through the open area. It makes no sense to install a small gate like this one and leave the rest of the area open.

Stay Out If You Want
Typically, gates are meant to keep strangers out of the area. They will definitely fail to keep anyone out with the way this one was put up.
Bridge For No Reason
Folks, it seems like unnecessary bridges are becoming the next big thing. People look eager to waste time, money, and cement!

Bridge For No Reason
The bridge fails to do what it was always supposed to do. If you ask us, people are misguidedly installing bridges to add beauty to the environment, common sense be damned.
For Civil Engineering Inspiration
The students are headed to classes in the civil engineering department at the university. Of course, what better place to do something like this than on bridges they would learn how to make?

For Civil Engineering Inspiration
We do not know who came up with the idea to take a photo here, but it is actually quite meaningful. Let us hope that they will never contribute to anything like the entries on this list.
Just Another Metaphor
This is incredibly funny because it shows the destruction of the student success center. You can already tell from its name that it is where students learn to succeed in life and studies.

Just Another Metaphor
The fact that it is getting demolished does not seem to bide good tidings for the kids at this educational institution…
No Mountains In Sight
We do not think there is any good reason for this tunnel to exist where it does. After all, it is located on the open road with no obstruction on top of it. Tunnels are typically built only when it has to pass through a mountain above the road.

No Mountains In Sight
Does anyone have any clue what the tunnel was meant to shield cars from? Honestly, we are out of ideas at this point in time already.
Boohoo For Volvo
This is an accident that you will want to avoid at all costs. The car fell right into the crack in the photo and got stuck in there because the top of the vehicle had been smaller than the bottom half.

Boohoo For Volvo
It will be difficult to get the vehicle out of the mess without damaging it. Let us hope no one got trapped in there.
Playing Hide And Seek
This cabinet was built in such a way that it can fit an adult man inside. This is funny, and we are stunned by how comfy the guy looks in there! It looks like it was made well enough, so why is it on the list?

Playing Hide And Seek
Well, no cabinet should be big enough to accommodate a man inside it. This is the pantry, not the closet!
Not Quite Parallel
No one will be able to deny that this pole has been placed in the wrong place. If you take a close look at the other poles in the background, you can see why we say that. Considering its current location, it is basically nothing more than a big obstruction there.

Not Quite Parallel
It could even be dangerous in the future. The person who okayed this needs to get fired pronto. We appreciate that they made a tiny path on the side, but this would not have happened if they did things properly from the very beginning.
A Makeshift Sign
What animals would you associate with slowness? If you ask us, the answer to that question would be the tortoise. The construction in the photo is wise because he knew that most people think this way.

A Makeshift Sign
He might not have a slow sign, so he made his own with a tortoise. He definitely sounds like a resourceful man to us. Let us just hope that drivers who see him will be quick enough to figure it out.
A Big Surprise At The Workplace
God knows how the crocodile here made its way to a construction site, but there we have it.

A Big Surprise At The Workplace
Did someone leave it there as a prank or did it come all the way there on its own? We cannot answer that, but we are sure they had to stop all construction work the moment they saw their reptilian companion. No one in their right minds would even consider it!
A Flying Car
Whoa, look at how high that car is! Let us hope it never falls because it is going to be in for a lot of damage otherwise. The crane managed to lift it up this way, and we are sure that something is wrong here.

A Flying Car
We doubt the car was made to sustain conditions like this one. Of course, the worst scenario would be people trapped inside the car.
Finish What He Started
The person driving the van is trying to pass on a message to all wives out on the highway. What a hilarious sign to put on your vehicle.

Finish What He Started
Of course, everyone who sees it will start to wonder, “What exactly does he want to finish because my husband has started a lot of things?” Let us hope we find out soon!
A Warning That Sounds Like A Joke
Could it have been Halloween when this photo was taken? We cannot think of a funnier way to scare drivers on the expressway.

A Warning That Sounds Like A Joke
The last time we checked, dinosaurs no longer exist. They have been wiped off the planet. What a funny sign, but it might be a bad idea to dismiss it as a joke…
Giant Tic Tac Toe
We have to admit that working as a construction worker never seemed like it was a lot of fun before we saw this photo.

Giant Tic Tac Toe
Who would have thought it was possible to play a giant game of tic-tac-toe during road constructions? We would love to find out who ended up winning this round.
Truck Fell Down
How did something like this even happen? We cannot think of a force so strong that it could knock out equipment like this one. It is something else altogether.

Truck Fell Down
Hopefully, everyone there was able to get out just in time. It is a serious and terrible construction accident that could have resulted in a lot of deaths
It’s The Climb
Does anyone have any idea what was going on here? Could our eyes be deceiving us? Who knows what the construction worker inside the lift was trying to do when he did this?

It’s The Climb
Maybe he was bored out of his mind. If the huge machine ends up falling from the tower, he will be held liable for a lot of things.
Take A Break
We all deserve a break every now and then, right? However, this does not seem right at all. We do not think it is appropriate for a construction worker to doze off at work since one has to pay attention to all the work that is happening.

Take A Break
Let us just hope that this is not the entire crew and that someone is manning the machines! It might look funny, but it could lead to serious repercussions.
Don’t Park There
Can anyone tell us why people behave this way? Who came up with the idea for the sign? It is a hilarious way to pass information to other people.

Don’t Park There
Considering the way they drafted the message, people will probably think it was a joke and try to trespass.
A Dramatic Entrance
Yup, someone got stuck all the way up the ceiling for some reason. We do not know what he is doing there or how he even got there.

A Dramatic Entrance
Perhaps they did not use the greatest material for the ceiling and he happened to stand on a particularly weak spot. We are sure that this was not a pleasant experience for him no matter how funny the photo looks to us!
Worst Seats In The House
Yikes, we wonder who thought of building this brick wall this way! It was tall enough to completely block off the view of the people sitting in the first row.

Worst Seats In The House
Let us hope they do not sell tickets for those seats because they would be much better off watching at home than from there. This might just be the biggest construction fail on the list thus far!
One Of Many
We think the plumber was high or sleep-deprived when they were working on this bathroom. That is the only reason we can come up with. Why else would someone install so many knobs in a single spot? Crazy!

One Of Many
We are not plumbers but even we know there is no way one can use all those knobs whatsoever.
Door That Makes No Sense
Was this supposed to be a door or a window? We honestly cannot tell. The door clearly leads nowhere. What is it with people installing doors too high up without any stairs that lead there whatsoever?

Door That Makes No Sense
Our gut tells us that these entrances were not meant to go there. No one would design such a thing, right?
The Other Way Around
When you consider the way the handle was installed, there is no way to close the door. Clearly, the person who installed this made a huge mistake.

The Other Way Around
The handle will have to be uninstalled and reattached properly if they want to make sure it shuts properly.
King Of The Jungle And Road
We bet that you have watched Lion King at least once in your lives. If so, you probably remember the main antagonist called Scar.

King Of The Jungle And Road
He sang a song called “Be prepared” in the movie. It is highly amusing that they used it for a sign, although let us just hope that it works on other people as well!
We’ll Just Wait Instead
Considering the position of the toilets, there is no way they will ever be used at the same time. We do not know what the person who designed this had up their sleeves.

We’ll Just Wait Instead
Do you have any ideas about why they decided to do this? Everything about it is wrong! We would prefer to wait than attempt to use this.
Uncoordinated Contractors
Talk about an error of incredible proportions. How did it happen that the two ends of the bridge do not meet? There is no way for cars to cross it now.

Uncoordinated Contractors
As we have previously said, bridges connect one point to another when they are separated by water. You should only use this if you want to fall into the water.
Would That They Could
This might be a very funny sign, but we cannot deny there is some truth in there as well. The contractor only asks the passersby to spare them some patience while they finish the ongoing construction.

Would That They Could
We all know that Rome was not built in the day. As a matter of fact, very few things can be constructed in the course of 24 hours.
Cannot Drive Through
Do you see the yellow bar in the photo? It is meant to restrict access for trucks and nothing else.

Cannot Drive Through
If you have a small car or vehicle, there will be no problem getting through this obstacle of sorts. However, you are in for a reckoning if you happen to drive something taller than that.
No Entry
What a funny woman! She is having a hard time going down the stairs since someone built a pillar right in the pathway. The pillar is not meant to be there.

No Entry
While these structures are important to support the building, they serve as a bigger obstruction when placed in the wrong spot. Let’s hope she is flexible!
Just For Kids
It seems like there will never be a lack of wonder in the world. We do not know who was behind this interesting arrangement, but we think they deserve to be punished.

Just For Kids
Not a single adult in the world will be able to use this with any comfort whatsoever. What an evil thing to do to people who need to use it!
Useless Window
Are you seeing what we are seeing? Is that an actual brick wall behind that window?

Useless Window
We have no idea why they would install a window they cannot even see through. Maybe the builders wanted to spice things up even if it made no sense at all.
Is This The Real Life?
This is just too crazy for words! If this is an actual thing, we hope the government gets around to demolishing that building.

Is This The Real Life?
What contractor would think it was okay to leave it along such a major road? The building obstructs the movement of traffic, so we are sure standstills are common in the area.
Smell You Ladder
It seems like someone got attached to this ladder and refused to let go of it. Someone installed a rail between the steps, which renders it stuck.

Smell You Ladder
What a crazy idea, but it is ingenious if all you want to do is restrict ladder use. We are not lying at all when we say that humans are such mysterious creatures with the most unpredictable motivations.
Parking Up There
What is going on with this garage? Yet again, humans seem to prefer form over function. We doubt that they can even keep a helicopter in there.

Parking Up There
It is a terrible spot to install your garage in. Folks, you might want to keep your garage on the ground level next time so that things do not get as complicated as this.
Stairs And A Ramp To Nowhere
There are two options you can take, although both of them go nowhere. We think it is considerate for the person to put in a ramp in addition to the stairs, but it was all for naught.

Stairs And A Ramp To Nowhere
What were they thinking? Are we missing something where? They only wasted time, money, and resources. Don’t ask us, we are scratching our heads in confusion as well.
Playground Of Doom
This photo might seem colorful but take a closer look at that slide. Talk about a death sentence! If you want to go down the red slide, you will likely meet Death himself.

Playground Of Doom
How crazy is that? The person who installed this is definitely on the side of evil. We just hope that parents in the neighborhood know better than to let their kids play there.
Doorway To Nowhere
There is something wrong in this photo. It might be, oh I don’t know, the fact that the door leads nowhere. We have no idea what is going on here. There is no reason for a door to exist in that spot.

Doorway To Nowhere
At that height, how is anyone supposed to go in and out of it anyway? We are not discounting the fact that it could be nothing more than a design or a wallpaper, but it is simply too realistic for that…
Going Nowhere Fast
The stairwell looks fine enough as long as you do not look where it leads to… or where it does not lead to, for that matter.

Going Nowhere Fast
Did they do this to get rid of extra materials? It is possible, but it seems a little too polished for that. We would appreciate any leads on this case!