They Offer Delivery Services In Certain Cities
Ali is offering delivery services in Dallas, Los Angeles, and Atlanta. How lucky are they? People living in these cities can do their shopping via Instacart. After placing the order, you simply have to wait for it at your door. This is great if you are short on time. Rumors say that it will be available to more cities soon!

They Offer Delivery Services In Certain Cities
The Controversy Surrounding The Bread Machines
In November 2010, the German Aldi stores started to offer made-to-order fresh bread with the help of “technological innovation.” The products are made in only a couple of seconds. The chain started to introduce baking machines in the stores, but the German Bakers’ Confederation did not approve of this. It even led to a legal battle. Aldi denied them the right to inspect the dough and machines, however.

The Controversy Surrounding The Bread Machines