The Melting Of This Alpine Glacier Exposed Something Surprising

Published on 06/03/2022

The Glacier Has Melted A Lot

Because of global warming, the glacier atop Mount Scorluzzo has melted further than it had previously. In 2017, the ice receded enough to give access to a cave opening. The White War Museum in Italy dispatched a team of experts to investigate what was hidden inside.

The Glacier Has Melted A Lot

The Glacier Has Melted A Lot


When The Ice Gave Way

The ice exposed the incredible. They discovered a military barracks that had housed a squadron of Austro-Hungarian soldiers. When the conflict finished, it appears that they just locked the structure and walked out. In actuality, the majority of the material was unaltered. This has provided experts with a peek at what life was like in the highlands during WWI.

When The Ice Gave Way

When The Ice Gave Way