Lou Thesz (1932-1990)
Let us just say that Lous Thesz has unmatched longevity in pro wrestling. He has been credited for the invention of maneuvers like the STF, the Thesz Press, and the German Suplex. Steve “Stone Cold” Austin even mimicked the Thesz Press. Anyway, the older icon was the NWA Heavyweight Champion on 3 occasions that made up a total of 3,700 days! Modern wrestling won’t be the same without him.

Lou Thesz (1932-1990)
Terry Funk (1965-Present)
Terry Funk joins the rank of Lou Thesz. He is a wrestler that still enters the ring even though he is now 72. He simply won’t quit! Just about every wrestler out there has faced off with Funk at some point in the past. He is responsible for helping the ECW get on its feet after it branched out from NWA in 1994.

Terry Funk (1965-Present)