Not Amish
Don’t jump to conclusions if you see someone wearing a bonnet; they might not even be Amish. Mennonites are among them. Despite their similarities, the Amish and Mennonites are not the same. In reality, mixing the two will irritate them greatly. Mennonites, like the Amish, are a non-Orthodox Christian sect. They do not live in isolation and are part of more modern cultures. Many of them are tech-savvy and drive cars. On rare occasions, a Mennonite’s attire can be mistaken for that of a non-Mennonite.

Not Amish
Despite having many restrictions on their activities and lifestyles, the Amish are surprisingly permissive and encourage people to make their own choices. For those who break the rules, however, there is a framework in place. It’s essentially the Amish equivalent of a “time-out.” There will undoubtedly be consequences if anyone is found to be breaking their ethics code. One of them is meidung, which means the individual is shunned by the community.
