How Australia Might Just Kill You

Published on 03/22/2020

Blue-Ringed Octopus

These octopuses look great in a fish tank, or even better, in nature – but do not touch them. The ball-sized creatures bite and are highly venomous. Oftentimes, the sting is fatal. The body shuts down and becomes increasingly paralyzed, making breathing impossible. On top of that, there’s no known anti-venom. All the same, treating a bite is possible by helping a patient breathe until the toxin is removed from the body.

Blue Ringed Octopus

Blue Ringed Octopus


Common Death Adder

While the common death adder is slightly less venomous than the Eastern brown snake and Coastal Taipan, it’s still in the top ten most venomous snakes in the world. In fact, this snake has the longest fangs of any Australian snake, so that’s fun. The most dangerous part about the snake – aside from its venom, of course – is that it relies on camouflage to protect itself rather than evasion, so when faced off with a threat, it will bite.

Common Death Adder

Common Death Adder