Huntsman Spider
The huntsman spider is spread throughout Australia, unfortunately. The large, hairy spiders tend to jump out of curtains which make them very capable of provoking phobias. Although they look like something straight out of a horror movie, they are rather sheepish and normally don’t bite. Not to mention, their venom isn’t dangerous to humans. All the same, their appearance and behavior make them deadly in another way: they’ve been known to cause panic attacks and even car crashes when they scare drivers by popping out of dashboards and sun visors at random.
Honey Bee
A lot of crops, such as apples and cotton need honey bees in order to survive in Australia. All the same, these bees have become of the biggest threats to humans there. Back in 1822, the bees were brought over by European settlers, and by now, they’re responsible for one or two deaths a year. While that might not seem like much, it does make them more lethal than sharks in the country! Why are they so deadly, you ask? Well, an estimated 3% of Australians are allergic to the venom honey bees produce.