Baby Platypus
This little guy is a platypus, also known as the duck-billed platypus for those unfamiliar with this type of animal. And, even though he resembles an imaginary animal that a child might draw, he is real! The platypus is an egg-laying semi-aquatic mammal native to eastern Australia, including Tasmania. The platypus is the only living representative of its family and genus.

Baby Platypus
Baby Bison
Look at how he’s trotting along to keep up with the rest of the herd. It’s so relaxed! At birth, American bison calves weigh between 30 and 70 pounds! A calf is protected not only by its mother but also by the entire herd. Given that adult bison live in the wild for 14 to 24 years, we believe it is safe to say that this little guy is just getting started!

Baby Bison