Baby Valais Blacknose Sheep
This cute little guy is a Valais Blacknose Sheep, a breed of domestic sheep that originated in Switzerland’s snow-capped Valais peaks. They have black patches on their nose, eyes, ears, knees, and feet, as well as a thick coat of fluffy wool to keep them warm in the harsh Swiss mountains during the winter. The Valais Blacknose Sheep is extremely rare and can only be found in Switzerland and a few parts of Germany. Nonetheless, due to their increased popularity, they are now being bred in various parts of the world.

Baby Valais Blacknose Sheep
Baby Sugar Gliders
To call baby sugar gliders, known as joeys, tiny would be an understatement. In any case, whether we’re looking at an adult sugar glider or a joey, we can’t help but melt! They’re just too cute. If you’re wondering how they got their name, sugar gliders are known for their preference for sugar foods like sap and nectar. They also have the ability to glide through the air, so…

Baby Sugar Gliders