Baby Hamster
Hamsters are born blind as well as naked, and it is not until they are 14 to 17 days old that they open their eyes and develop a sense of sight. After only three weeks of pregnancy, a mother hamster can produce anywhere from six to twenty hamsters! That’s a lot of adorableness to handle. However, keep an eye out! If a mother hamster is stressed while giving birth or afterward, she may abandon or even eat her own babies.
Baby Kangaroo
Joeys are kangaroo babies, and they’re lovely! Besides being extremely cute, baby kangaroos give birth in an unusual way. When kangaroos are less than an inch long and weigh less than a gram, they are born in pouches on their mothers’ bellies. The baby starts sucking right away and gradually spends more time outside the pouch over the course of a few weeks until it is ready to leave between the ages of seven and ten months.