Take A Look At These Cutest Baby Animals From Around The World

Published on 06/08/2021

Baby Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

The Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel, is mostly found in the beautiful alps of Japan. A skin connects the whole body of the cute animals, which enables them to fly over long distances. They love to hide in trees and are just overall super cute!

Baby Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

Baby Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel


Baby Bilby

Also the next animal on our list is super cute! The animal on the picture below is called Bilby and is living in Australia, especially in the north-western part. Just like the Kangoroos, the bilby holds his children in a pouch. They can be easily recongized because of theibig ears and their grey fur.

Baby Bilby

Baby Bilby