WE Don’t Want To Make Snow Angels!
Making snow angels is the perfect winter activity for people of all ages. However, do not forget that everyone needs to put on all sorts of protection from the weather when attempting to do this. While the baby in the first photo looks cozy and warm all bundled up in extra padding, the parents of the children in the second photo probably forgot to wrap the children up. While the little cuties in the bottom picture look adorable in their matching outfits, the cold must have been seeping in through the clothes! Parents, please ensure that your kids have enough layers on when you do this. After all, “snow angel” should not be taken literally!

WE Don’t Want To Make Snow Angels!
Where’s My Morning Cup?!
Perspective is the most important thing if you want to follow in their footsteps. While the photographers both did an excellent job with the illusion, there is something to be said about the facial expressions the kids are making. Perhaps the second baby had yet to drink their morning cup of joe, which would definitely account for that sour expression. Well, the photo on the right works fine if you imagine that she is being soaked in a hot beverage! It is hilarious but does not quite compare to the picture on the left, which certainly nailed it in terms of execution, cuteness, and background.

Where’s My Morning Cup?!