What The Fear Of Balloons Looks Like
It is not a common thing, but globophobia or the fear of balloons is very real. Even though you do not have it, there are people out there who are terrified of them! We hope the parents of the second child help him cope with the terrible condition. But there are other things that might have led to that expression on the child’s face. After all, they were stuck inside the crib and no one really likes to be trapped.

What The Fear Of Balloons Looks Like
Homemade Swing Fail
A homemade swing that makes your child look as if they’re wearing adult pants is adorable and extremely creative! The parents of the kid on the right definitely agreed that the idea was a cool one, so they decided to give it a shot themselves. Let’s just say the swing shorts look more like a swing dress…with a major wedgie.

Homemade Swing Fail