Get A Professional Baby Photographer So You Won’t End Up With Photos Like These

Published on 01/23/2019

Little Crochet Bunny Gone Wrong

Not only are both of these crochet bunny outfits to die for, but they’re also executed wonderfully, too! The big pom-pom on the butt is the icing on the cake! Although the baby in the above photo looks much more relaxed, we’re happy to see the baby in the bottom photo enjoying herself!

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Little Crochet Bunny Gone Wrong


Why Are These Cold Plastic Eggs Touching Me??

Cold easter eggs are good for one thing…to find on Easter egg hunts of course! No one enjoys being surrounded by them, and having them touch you in every crevice of your body. We also bet that confetti isn’t too comfortable to sit on, to say the least.

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Why Are These Cold Plastic Eggs Touching Me??