I Wanna Be Like Mommy
The photo on the left comes from Pinterest, and it earned its fair of share popularity since it first circulated online. Many people have tried their hand at recreating the adorable picture. It seems like the young girl on the right did not follow the instructions. She probably could not help but display her natural goofiness! Although it fell short in the recreation, it is still a win in the sense that it looks nothing short of adorable. We bet this duo will forever treasure this photo for the rest of their lives. Considering how happy it made us, we sure hope so!

I Wanna Be Like Mommy
A Truck Too Tiny
Well, this is definitely a creative photo shoot idea for your baby boy! But honestly, we think a little girl can kick butt in something like this as well. Regardless of the gender, the key to succeeding here is to carefully position the baby in such a way that they can fit into the toy truck. We do not recommend following the second photo for reference for several reasons. It looks like they had been set down without much attention to their size or position! That face they’re making looks like a genuine reaction, which we totally understand considering the circumstance the baby is in.

A Truck Too Tiny