Elisabeth Shue
In her acting career, Elisabeth Shue has starred in various shows and movies, including Cocktail, Back to the Future, and The Karate Kid. From 2012 to 2015, the actress played the role of Julie Finlay in the police procedural CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Shue is now 54 years old.
![Elisabeth Shue](https://d34nvibeht08vu.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/30082129/Elisabeth-Shue.png)
Elisabeth Shue
Melissa Sue Anderson
American-Canadian actress Melissa Sue Anderson is best known for her role as Mary Ingalls on the Little House on the Prairie. She also starred in other great movies such as Which Mother Is Mine?, Midnight Offerings, and Happy Birthday to Me. Today, Anderson is still acting. In fact, her new movie The Brits Are Coming is expected to come out sometime this year.
![Melissa Sue Anderson](https://d34nvibeht08vu.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/30082315/Melissa-Sue-Anderson.jpg)
Melissa Sue Anderson