Behind The Scenes Of The Iconic ‘Brady Bunch’
Who could ever forget The Brady Bunch, the most iconic and relatable family show to ever be on the American screen? You might have watched all the episodes and became a huge fan of the two parents and their six children as they overcame various obstacles. But do you think you know everything about the show? Think again. Here are the most surprising and intriguing facts about The Brady Bunch that you probably never knew!
The hit show aired on September 26, 1969 and finished on March 8, 1974. For 5 full years, fans fell in love with the Brady family, loving the network ABC for putting the show on the air. The Brady Bunch follows a large blended family of eight- 6 children and 2 adults, and their journey through life. The show is considered by many as one of the final old-style sitcoms, focusing on a family and family-life, to exist.
The show’s creator, Sherwood Schwartz, came up with the idea for The Brady Bunch after the success of his show Gilligan’s Island. Sherwood actually thought up the show in a pretty peculiar way. He read in The Los Angeles Times that “30% of marriages [in the United States] have a child or children from a previous marriage.” He decided that this whopping statistic was worth writing a show over, instead of keeping divorce and re-marriage a taboo (as it was at the time).
Sherwood got backlash for this idea…the network even objected to a few of his ideas! At first, he wanted the mother, Carol Brady, to be a divorcee; but his bosses stepped in, vetoing the idea. Schwartz and the network came to an agreement…Carol’s marital status would be kept under wraps. They definitely kept their stand…viewers were kept in the dark…throughout the entire series!
The Brady Bunch is one of those shows that still airs on TV today. Kids are able to watch a show their parents did decades ago…although we’re not sure it’s very appropriate for the little ones! Mike, Carol, Alice, Marcia, Jan, Cindy, Greg, Peter and Bobby can all be seen on the show…what a family the Bradys were. Die-hard fans won’t even know some of the craziest facts about the hit-show…get ready to be surprised!
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The Brady Bunch traces its origins to a newspaper statistic. Sherwood, the director, read a news article in the Los Angeles Times that said 30% of marriages in the United States have children from a past marriage. And boom! The Brady family the world came to love was brought to life!

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