30+ Camping Mishaps That Are Sure To Make You Laugh Out Loud

Published on 02/09/2022

Hanging Out

It makes no sense to camp horizontally next to a sheer cliff when you may camp fully vertically next to a sheer cliff. Even with their seat belts buckled, that is an extremely dangerous situation. We understand that this isn’t a true camping failure, but we’re still perplexed as to what it is about camping like this that makes it so enjoyable for these people!

Hanging Out

Hanging Out


A Little Dirty

Even if you camp on high ground, there are other hazards to be aware of when camping during the rainy season, such as the thick, oozy mud one guy became trapped in while camping in the highlands. Nature had other ideas for him that day, despite the fact that his only desire was to go into town and get some additional hot dog buns.

A Bit Dirty

A Little Dirty