35 Cake Fails That Are So Bad, They’re Good

Published on 11/04/2018

Body Shop Time

We think it’s safe to say that this 4-year-old was expecting Lightning McQueen to be in tip-top shape for his big day. It looks like Lightning hit the guard rail a few times, or maybe his oil tank was leaking. Whatever the case may be, it’s time for this race-car to visit the body shop!

Time To Head Into The Body Shop

Body Shop Time


Grandma’s Dentures?

This cake would have been a lot less creepy had grandma’s dentures not been used! Although we do love the dedication put in for a family member, this porcupine cake is a total fail. We hope it tasted good to make up for the lacking appearance.

Mutant Porcupine@ We’re Not Sure

Grandma’s Dentures?