Celine Dion’s Traumatic Life & Unexpected Announcement, What You Didn’t Know

Published on 10/17/2018
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Celine Dion’s Traumatic Life & Unexpected Announcement, What You Didn’t Know

Celine Dion’s voice is may be one of the finest voices that we’ve ever heard. She is one of the greatest singers to have graced the industry. She is definitely gorgeous inside and out. Read on to learn more about this singing sensation and her journey to the top.

For those who aren’t aware, Celine Dion is French-Canadian, she is a born and raised Canadian! She and her family resided in Quebec during the early years of her life where she became a teen singing sensation. She released a few albums in French during the 1980’s but wasn’t internationally recognized until winning the Yamaha World Popular Song Festival in 1982. Celine skyrocketed to fame after winning the popular, Eurovision Song Contest in 1988. Interestingly enough, she didn’t represent Canada…but, rather Switzerland! Winning this extremely well-known contest helped Celine get recognized on an international level, helping her later get signed to a popular American record label. Epic Records signed Celine, but they had her do one thing first…learn English! In the year 1990, she released her debut English album with Epic, the title was “Unison”. The release of this album established Celine as a pop-artist in the U.S. and other English speaking countries, showing that this young star was a force to be reckoned with!

Not only does this powerhouse performer sing in English and French, she also dabbles in Spanish, Italian, German, Latin, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese. It is safe to say she is more than a one-hit wonder! Although she is definitely a lot less popular for singing in these languages, it is still super impressive she even tries! I don’t know many people who know 8 languages, let alone have the ability to sing in them! Way to go, Celine!

Are you aware of Celine’s list of accolades? In case you need a refresher, she has quite the list! Not only has she won 5 Grammys over the years, she is most impressively, the second best-selling female artist in the US. Wow…I’m impressed every time I’m reminded of those stats. It is hard to make it in the music industry, let alone make it like Celine did! Her success can be attributed to her hard-work and perseverance, oh and her beautiful voice!


Her Life Is Never Dull

Many people admire Celine Dion due to her resilience and talent. From the beginning, she had many obstacles to overcome. It still isn’t smooth-sailing, even now that she has managed to reach an incredible level of success. She had to learn how to handle her career with a controversial relationship and many health issues. Despite all of this, she never fails to look happy and give her best during performances.

Her Life Is Never Dull

Her Life Is Never Dull