A Two-Man Show
Cesar was now a TV regular in his show The Dog Whisperer. Fans fell in love with Cesar, and his co-star, his American pit bull, Daddy. Cesar proved to viewers that even pit bulls, known as a temperamental breed, can be great dogs with the proper training. Daddy was not only Cesar’s best friend, but also his helper on the show, serving as an example for other dogs on the proper way to act.

A Two-Man Show
From Babysitter To Owner
Cesar’s dog Daddy didn’t come from just any old dog shelter, Cesar actually rescued him from a famous celebrity. Before Cesar came along, Daddy belonged to rapper, Redman. Unfortunately, the New Jersey native’s busy schedule hindered him from taking proper care of Daddy. Cesar started out babysitting Daddy, but after Redman saw the bond the two shared, he decided to let Cesar keep Daddy.

From Babysitter To Owner