When it comes to sharing anything on the internet, a good rule of thumb is to never share anything that makes you angry, something you wouldn’t say in front of your grandmother, or any photo that appears to be… dubious. However, there are occasions when people do not give the photo the extra three seconds it requires for them to decide whether or not to upload it, and we end up with these beauties. The fact that these people are out here stunting for social media makes me feel all kinds of cringe-worthy. So buckle up and get your hand ready because you’re going to be doing a lot of facepalming when you see what’s coming next.
My Bf Caught Me In My Mirror Selfie
This situation of the ‘bae caught me slippin’ is almost too good to be true. We truly do not deserve these people or all of the efforts they make to make us happy every day. She also went above and beyond with the caption, which reads: “Lol bae caught me slipping. I adore him.”Goodnight from us.” I hope you and your partner had a restful night’s sleep.

My Bf Caught Me In My Mirror Selfie
The Commuter Who Fought Fake Traffic
You don’t like being trapped in traffic, do you? This stretch of road is really slow and congested, and all of the other vehicles obscure the best selfie lighting. We can all empathize with the commuter who was frustrated by the swarm of phantom cars that enveloped her on her way to work. Isn’t this a fantastic #mondaymood?

The Commuter Who Fought Fake Traffic