My Opposable Thumbs After Bae Scratched Me
We’ve gone back to grade 12 biology to learn more about the relationship between cats and monkeys after being caught slippin’ by a cross-species bae. Because it possesses opposable thumbs, a large clever brain, and the ability to take a selfie with its owner, this cat is certainly the missing link we’ve been looking for.

My Opposable Thumbs After Bae Scratched Me
The “Bae Caught Me Slippin'” Because A Classic’s A Classic
Allow me to introduce you to the “bae caught me slipping” fad for those of you who have never heard of it. Couples who caption their images “bae caught me slipping” in an attempt to fool the internet into thinking their significant other took the snapshot while they were sleeping. To be clear, it never works, and we always wind up with these amazing selfies.

The Bae Caught Me Slippin Because A Classic’s A Classic