#TurtlesAreDumb Let’s Get It Trending
Jane Goodall, on the other hand, is probing into the subjects that the rest of us are reluctant to ask. What causes turtles to act too theatrical on the internet and choke on straws? They watched the video and then looked down at their Starbucks straw, knowing it was all fake news in their hearts. Thank you for sharing your scientific perspective and for using such a great hashtag!

#TurtlesAreDumb Let’s Get It Trending
Oreos Copied The Taco Bookmark And Yes, I Am Offended.
Oreos has successfully put the final nail in the coffin of my hypothesis that corporate marketers are all humanoid reptiles trying to understand people by stealing the taco post. Thank you for starting a trend that no one expected and for convincing me to switch to Mr. Christie’s products.

Oreos Copied The Taco Bookmark And Yes, I Am Offended.