Wildfires In Chernobyl
The forest in the area surrounding Chernobyl has been largely left alone by forest management efforts. Allowing the accumulation of excess debris such as litter and deadwood, rendering some areas highly vulnerable to wildfire. The rising temperature of the planet due to climate change also poses a substantial added danger. A perfect way to spread radiation is by wildfires. When they catch fire, radioactive contaminants that have been consumed by plants are emitted. The smoke then carries the material for miles. In 2010, the Chernobyl wildfire spread radioactive substances across thousands of kilometers across Europe.
Lack Of People
Chernobyl is a unique place to study wildlife. Not only is it absent of humans and contaminated by radiation, but it’s also a place where humans used to live and no longer populate. It’s hard to ascertain how many of the environment’s changes—and the positive or negative differences in populations’ well-being—are due to the disaster itself and how much is due to the absence and intervention of humans.