Say Your Goodbyes Because These Restaurant Chains Are Closing Locations

Published on 06/17/2020

Pollo Tropical

Pollo Tropical has been a favorite for Southern Floridians for years, their Caribbean cooking is a huge hit. They started expanding to other populations such as Cubans, Venezuelans, and Haitians, but the company was unable to find its stronghold. They aimed to open a branch or two in Texas but never managed to get there. As 2019 rolled around they had suffered drastic financial losses and closed 23 branches. In 2019, they continued closing some key branches.

Pollo Tropical

Pollo Tropical


Papa John’s

Papa John’s has been ranked as the fourth largest pizza delivery restaurant in the U.S and they are struggling! The founder found himself in a tough situation after using a terrible racial slur last year, this led to his resignation. Not only were their customers outraged but the change in management all played a role in the decrease in sales by 7.8%. Due to the major change, they were warned that closures would begin from 2019. The estimated amount of closures was set at 250 branches.

Papa John’s

Papa John’s