Man Explains Why He Refused To Give A Woman Soldier Her Seat On A Plane

Published on 09/20/2021

The Battle of Ganjgal

Dakota and his comrades were well aware that they would not receive air support because, given their proximity to civilians, it was simply too dangerous. The soldiers continued on their way with the help of available artillery. Upon arrival, however, the unit was ambushed by more than 100 Taliban militants on multiple sides. Intelligence had hinted at the possibility, but nowhere near this magnitude. Dakota and his unit were put in an awkward situation and had to maintain their composure.

The Battle of Ganjgal



Despite requesting artillery support, the request was denied due to the possibility of significant civilian casualties. Other air support, such as helicopters, was also under fire at another location. To put it mildly, the unit was in an uncomfortable situation. They were surrounded, and the assistance they had hoped for had vanished. To get out of this situation, it took a great tactical decision.