Soften Brown Sugar With Orange Peels Or Marshmallows
Brown sugar has a tendency to dry out quickly when exposed to air. Put a slice of orange peel or a marshmallow in with the sugar to keep it from becoming too hard. Both will add moisture to the brown sugar, and both have pleasant aromas that can be used to infuse the sugar if any of the smell from the original container passes over. Another alternative is to eat a slice of bread.

Soften Brown Sugar With Orange Peels Or Marshmallows
Better Juice Lemons and Limes With Your Microwave
The use of a microwave might actually assist you in extracting a little bit more juice from citrus fruits such as lemons and limes. Place the sour fruits in the microwave for 20-30 seconds on warm before you even start slicing them. Microwave cooking will warm them up from the inside out, busting the juice capsules that are contained within the fruit and allowing you to squeeze out more juice from the fruit when you do so.

Better Juice Lemons And Limes With Your Microwave