20+ DIY Kitchen Tricks That You Should Try

Published on 12/01/2021

Freeze Herbs In Olive Oil

Do you want to make the supper preparation procedure a little bit easier? Preserve fresh herbs in olive oil in ice cube trays by freezing them in batches. When you’re ready to make dinner with a recipe that calls for herbs and olive oil, place a block of ice in your frying pan and heat it up. You can also do this with leftover wine or stock to make portion-controlled cooking a breeze and to reduce food waste in general. It’s far preferable to leave that carton of chicken stock or bottle of wine to rot on the inside of your refrigerator door.

Freeze Herbs In Olive Oil

Freeze Herbs In Olive Oil


Prevent Boiling Water With A Wooden Spoon

Placing a wooden spoon on top of a pot of boiling water will prevent the pot from boiling over as rapidly as it otherwise would. The spoon causes the bubbles in the water to explode.

Prevent Boiling Water With A Wooden Spoon

Prevent Boiling Water With A Wooden Spoon