Cast Iron Can Be Cleaned With Salt And A Potato
According to some sources, soap should not be used while cleaning cast iron appliances since it will remove the seasoning from the pan, which prevents food from clinging to it excessively. This is correct. However, here’s an innovative method for making certain that all of the muck is removed from your unclean cast iron. Using a scraper, gently scrape away as much of the food that has clung to the pan as possible. Then, throw in some coarse salt and use a chopped potato to scour the pan. This approach is safe and effective for removing stuck-on food. After that, you can re-season the cast iron by rubbing it with oil and heating it in the oven. However, this is something that only needs to be done every now and then. If you don’t want to use oil, simply spread some over the pan after adding the salt and potatoes.

Cast Iron Can Be Cleaned With Salt And A Potato
Clean Strawberries With Vinegar
Want to extend the shelf life of your strawberries? Before putting them in the refrigerator, soak them in a solution of water and vinegar. It will remove bacteria and dirt from the berries, allowing them to be stored for a longer period of time before becoming rotten.

Clean Strawberries With Vinegar