Dr. Strange
Rachel Meikle is hot in this Dr. Strange costume. She is very creative with her outfits, and her best friend in creating those props is YouTube. You will see more of her on Instagram and Deskgram, and her handle is @rachelmeiklecosplay. You would see there her cosplay of Spider Gwen during Colossal Con. She is also an award-winning cosplayer that came a long way from her humble beginning in 2014.

Dr. Strange
She is a German cosplayer who goes by Jacklinn on Deviant Art. You may also find her on Facebook and YouTube under the account jakcosplay. This costume of Hades was seen in the Leipziger Buchmesse Manga Comic Convention or LBM in 2015. This Hades costume was from the cosplay seller Coserz. They are selling affordable handmade custom princess dresses, cosplay costumes, cosplay wigs, accessories, and more. Other than the outfit, she did her makeup and body point to make this version of Hades on point. The wig was also something she did by herself, and she can make one for you as well!
