Give Oscar’s Back ASAP – You Don’t Deserve It!

Published on 03/17/2020

Art Carney

You can’t declare Art Carney as a mediocre actor. That’s why writing this is a challenge, but you have to call a spade a spade. The Academy made the wrong decision by selecting Carney in Harry and Tonto. It’s a good movie, but it stops being perfect. The suggestion that this year’s Godfather Part II beat Al Pacino seems at best blasphemous.

Art Carney


Robert Donat

Robert Donat’s 1939 success in Goodbye, Mr. Chips, fails to withstand the time test. There’s no flame, there’s no fire or pull. But, you know what sparked a movie? Do you know what success shot in 1939? Clark Gable’s profound work in Gone with the Wind. It was the time test, and that year Clark would have been paid for it.

Robert Donat