45+ Design Flaws We Can’t Imagine Existed

Published on 10/29/2020
45+ Design Flaws We Can't Imagine Existed

45+ Design Flaws We Can’t Imagine Existed

Did you ever get an idea that just didn’t work when you executed it? Or work the way you thought it would, at least! That appears to happen to everyone, including product and project designers. It’s a catastrophe sometimes, and sometimes it’s just too funny to ignore. In this article, the latter is what we are looking at. We have pulled together things below that will cause you to really question the designer’s thought process.

Meat You At the Park

The concept of this seating area in the park is quite amazing! It is a cool concept to use natural crystals to give the place a unique look, but one that may help with the setup’s energy. Then perhaps they should have gone with a more neutral color of crystal!

Meat You At the Park

Meat You At the Park

This shade makes it look like we’re relaxing on well-marbled chunks of meat. That doesn’t sound very aesthetically pleasing to us. Well, how about you? Would you feel relax in this place? Or will you be creeped out just like most of us?

Ketchup & Soap

That thought, we believe, was lovely. Who doesn’t want their condiment dispensers to look classy? But the design of this ketchup dispenser looks a lot like the soap dispenser that our grandma had in the bathroom! It also looks like it cost a hundred bucks.

Ketchup & Soap

Ketchup & Soap

Perhaps the image of a vine of tomatoes should have been changed, and then maybe this would not stand the chance of being confused with some other type of dispenser. We are just trying to give the designer a little help, so next time there is less to explain.

So Care Free

Without having to deal with poor graphic design, thinking about what will happen when you leave this world is already stressful enough. Given the subject matter, the designer may have been told to make the brochure a little lighter, and they certainly did.

So Care Free

So Care Free

They need to give some reason why these images have been chosen as the way to go! It’s not really appropriate, funny in a dark humor kind of way, but it’s not appropriate! We should respect the dead, at least.

Unfortunate Messaging

This is a very inspiring message. The fact that music is universal is a nice sentiment and that everyone can enjoy it. But the imagery attached to the message is a little morbid and not very kid-friendly.

Unfortunate Messaging

Unfortunate Messaging

In an attempt to show how music connects people, this drawing uses a musical note. Sad to say, it looks like an ill-conceived hangman game, and that’s just not appropriate for the kids to see. Especially when we all know kids like to imitate just about anything!

Break Me Off A Piece

It started so nicely. Then the designer of this chocolate bar mold somehow went a bit crazy. Maybe they were trying to make the bar different and fun, but there will be some issues when you try to split this chocolate!

Break Me Off A Piece

Break Me Off A Piece

There is absolutely no way even to break it up, so this designer created an interesting bar of chocolate. But they may have to explain why so many irritated moms call the customer service line. 

Confetti Floor

This floor design is the nightmare of a janitor, and if this is a place where small kids hangout, it is even worse. It may have looked cool, but the designer needed to design with a plan in mind. If they had, they might have turned out very differently.

Confetti Floor

Confetti Floor

Imagine having this linoleum swept up for a living. Frustration comes to mind, and that’s the last thing you want your janitor staff to feel! They don’t deserve this treatment!

Be Careful With Your Money

Well, the design of the machine is not bad, and the drain works. However, the two’s layout makes for some interesting issues that arise for the people using the ATM. Let’s hope that there isn’t a strong wind, or the person hasn’t had one too many.

Be Careful With Your Money

Be Careful With Your Money

When any of these two things were present, some serious money could have been lost. We’re curious to know how often do they clean up the drain? It could be a highly profitable task!

Which Way Do You Go?

Therefore, when we stopped and really looked at this sign’s configuration, we were sure it meant children on the right and men on the left. But at first glance, this store did not seem to have thought this through by the designer who laid out the signage.

Which Way Do You Go?

Which Way Do You Go?

It can then be taken completely differently depending on your way of thinking than we have deduced. If the signs were put together in the way, they were meant to be read in one sign, and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

Fraternal Drinks

This company’s graphic design team appears to have gotten a bit lazy in their rush to get the new flavor out. The labels both look almost identical. In fact, everything seems to be twinning, apart from the fruit cut and the name of the flavor!

Fraternal Drinks

Fraternal Drinks

Both flavors are nice, but we may feel that someone needs to give us why these two bottles look so much the same if we were a customer and happened to pick up the wrong bottle!

Numerical Coded Rooms

Who knew that it would be a game of decrypting a code-spy style to get to your room? They were understandably a little confused when the person checked into their hotel and got lost when looking for room 402.

Numerical Coded Rooms

Numerical Coded Rooms

That was interesting and cool, thought the designer, but it was all confusing.  The hotel approved it, so there is more than one party that has to do some explaining. 


The wrapping of this van is a bit of an abstract end of things. What is the advertising for this van? The graphic designer who created this image was not given a clear direction or thought this picture was self-explanatory!



But clearly, it is not! We know for sure that the van is a bit creepy, and the woman is surprised and excited about something. What do you think they are?

Right In The Eye

This cup is so cute! We can see why this woman picked it up as a souvenir from her trip to Machu Picchu, but the design is a bit off the mark. You don’t notice, of course, until you have a llama in your eye. This is a dangerous cup of tea! 

Right In The Eye

Right In The Eye

Maybe they could have shortened the head of the llama or placed it facing forward. This is an accident waiting to happen, either way.

Is Something Supposed To Happen?

A fun way to spend a few hours is to play a virtual reality game, but to get the full effect of the entertainment, we are sure that you have to look at the screen, which is why this ad’s design has us scratching our heads a bit.

Is Something Supposed To Happen?

Is Something Supposed To Happen?

We’re not sure why the graphic designer decided to go with the screen facing out and all its icons, but this guy looks confused for an obvious reason!

What Was That!?

For children’s school or preschool, bright colors and fun designs are a great choice. The bright colors will help stimulate creativity, so we can see where they were going with this, but they didn’t really work out their plan!

What Was That!?

What Was That!?

The painting on the floors actually looks like something from a horror film, and the handprints of the little kids at the end of the hall don’t help. This is one scary place. Half of us would have expected a clown to jump at any moment.

Word Placement Matters

Other than this word layout, there is no way this designer could have gotten the message into the cross. However, unfortunately, this symbol’s message is very different from love and acceptance if you look closer.

Word Placement Matters

Word Placement Matters

Perhaps they should have just picked one or the other word. The message would be much clearer either way! Just so that we’re clear, “cares” would have been the better choice as the symbol itself is synonymous with the other option.

Watch Out For The…

Design flaws do not always have to be with clothing or graphics, of course; sometimes, like this bike path, the design comes in the form of architecture or landscaping. One thing is for sure, no one (at least on this side of the path) will be speeding down this bike lane.

Watch Out For The…

Watch Out For The…

They had every right to ask for some explanation when the taxpayers saw the result of this project, which probably took months to complete. Who thinks the speed bumps in the bike lane are a good idea, after all?


Have you ever stubbed your toe at night when you were stumbling around on the edge of a sofa or a bed? It definitely hurts, but when that happens, nothing compares to what we assume that this will feel like.



In the design process, this is a clear miscalculation and one which is potentially dangerous. Perhaps the design had a reason behind it. We’re waiting for the reason to become obvious, but it doesn’t seem to be doing so.

Discount Demons

Nothing like a nice demon vinaigrette! No, really, this is an easy fix, but the worker who designed this sign clearly doesn’t think there is a problem with their writing.  But we’d like to let them know that there is! 

Discount Demons

Discount Demons

Then again, for a demon, 39 cents seems a bit cheap … oh, it’s supposed to say lemons, right? Yeah, they need to remember that cursive is no longer a thing, and they need to write in good old fashioned lettering.

I See You

There are very few places where the importance of privacy is greater than in the restroom. However, to give the room a little more style and edge, the designer who worked on this bathroom opted to form over function.

I See You

I See You

This implies, unfortunately, that anyone who walks by knows exactly what is going on inside. This is a little embarrassing and must be explained immediately! Also, who thought that taking a photo while their friend was doing their business was a good idea,

Truth In Advertising?

Unusually, a business is prepared to be as honest as this sticker is, but then again, we’re sure they didn’t intend to read the way it does for this. In the graphic design department, that is clearly a mistake.

Truth In Advertising?

Truth In Advertising?

We’re sure they didn’t want you to know, if anything, that the fried chicken in the bag would be of reduced quality. Once they realize what is being advertised, we are sure that some designer meetings will be scheduled.

Who Is There?

There seems to be no real reason that this glass door has a peephole when you think about it. The designer obviously stuck to the door’s traditional layout, but sometimes letting go of the old ways is completely fine.

Who Is There?

Who Is There?

In the end, the house owner may eventually have a few questions to be answered by the designer. One of those is definitely going to be “why?”

This Is Not a Drill!

This button is crucial, so it deserves a place of prominence. We’re not sure what it is for, but it’s red, which usually means an emergency, so putting it behind the door for sure would seem like a design mistake.

This Is Not a Drill!

This Is Not a Drill!

When they have the emergency drill a dozen times on the days when the boss goes in to do some office work, this is probably what the workers in this building think!

What Floor Are You On?

For sure, trying to get to the right apartment in this building is challenging. To get to the right floor, you might need a code breaker. The designer seems to have wanted to mix something up a bit, but they chose the wrong place to be creative.

What Floor Are You On?

What Floor Are You On?

Certainly, the layout of apartment numbers is unconventional and could use a little explanation of exactly what was behind the allocation in the thought process.

Fifth Dimension Bathroom

A cool addition to a place like a bedroom or even a dining room is the infinity mirror. Maybe a library might be nice as well, but a strange choice seems to be the bathroom.

Fifth Dimension Bathroom

Fifth Dimension Bathroom

The designer may have been trying to make a small space seem larger, but most people really don’t want to see themselves doing their business like this. It’s time for the designer to sit and hear him out! We are sure they have a good reason, right?

I’m Not Seeing It

You’re going to have to call your insurance company and a lawyer if you follow the signs, which is why we wonder what the designer thought by putting these signs up like this. It seems very ill-conceived, as important as that morning cup of joe is!

I’m Not Seeing It

I’m Not Seeing It

There really seems to be no good reason behind this placement, but hey, we’re prepared to listen to the designer’s thinking process!

Fact Check This

What an unfortunate placement of a loading ramp. Maybe Sara Lee’s design team should have looked at their delivery trucks to ensure something like this was not put out there. 

Fact Check This

Fact Check This

If you want our opinion, this is fake news, but let us talk about how something happened. Sara Lee has to like her own baked goods, right? That’s a tragedy, if not, because they’re pretty good!

Watch That First Step!

Why? This is just cruel and an accident waiting to happen for those of us that are super clumsy. Why would the designer have thought that this was a good idea? Symmetry and style, we all understand, but this is pushing that envelope.

Watch That First Step!

Watch That First Step!

The designer may want to prepare their explanations because they may need to explain why there are so many stairwell accidents.

Sitting In The Rain

When this bench came in, the landscaping was already in place, so why the designer opted for this place is mysterious. This seat would be a bit wet once the sprinklers were turned on!

Sitting In The Rain

Sitting In The Rain

So, why were they going to this locale? Well, who knows? Should we ask them perhaps? We are sure, though, that the answer will be something about the flow of the park. Still worth asking, though!

Shhhh… Fire!!!!!!!

How very considerate to concern this designer with the hotel guests’ sleep cycles. The other guests are just going to have to put up with the noise if there is a fire, though.

Shhhh… Fire!!!!!!!

Shhhh… Fire!!!!!!!

Let’s be honest, and they won’t be able to hear the fire engines and the fire alarm shutting the door, so don’t worry about it. But still, we think that behind this interesting warning, there could be a fun explanation!

Insert Witty Line Here

Perhaps this is a sample piece, but if it is not, then there is an interesting sense of humor in the designer. It is either that or when they sent it to the textile shop, and they made a huge mistake. We are pretty sure that, although very elegantly written, the sample text was not what they intended to say.

Insert Witty Line Here

Insert Witty Line Here

Maybe a better proofing system is needed by the designer. Or maybe a few questions should have been asked by the people who printed the fabric! We’re not certain who’s to blame for this faux pas!

Perhaps Not The Right Medium

It’s a great idea to do everything we can to help the earth create less waste, so there’s only one cause. But the medium used to deliver the message is where we have a few questions.

Perhaps Not The Right Medium

Perhaps Not The Right Medium

Perhaps email or text could have been a better route for the designer to take if you tried to get a person to go paperless. After all, the individual will be able to see your catchy graphic, either way and will also be exposed to the message.

Is it Cold?

It certainly looks like the heat needs to be lifted in the subway car with the hoodie zipped up. However, as soon as they opened, it became evident that there was a design flaw in the shirt below. 

Is it Cold?

Is it Cold?

That was supposed to be the designer’s thinking, and maybe the placement of the balls changed. That would have helped a bit, but no matter what, there would probably still be some questions about the overall design.

These Are Trash Seats

No one is opposed to keeping a place clean and free of trash, but this placement seems a little unsanitary for the trash cans and not very well thought out.

These Are Trash Seats

These Are Trash Seats

We would have liked the seats on the far side of the facility if we could sit on these benches. At least they’re away from the trash a little bit. But it is still a mystery why the designer made this decision!

Décor Miscalculation

It’s nice to make the bathroom chic and well decorated sometimes, but sometimes it’s an epic design failure! It’s kind of like this one that makes the bathroom look like a stall might have had a couple of accidents!

Décor Miscalculation

Décor Miscalculation

The color and choice of the pattern are unfortunate. It’s pretty obvious, but maybe the designer didn’t realize where to install the wallpaper! They were given some explanation to do if they did!

Have You Washed These?

You may think at first glance that these dishes just need a turn through the dishwasher. But, unfortunately, it won’t come off, no matter how many times you put them through the washing cycle.

Have You Washed These?

Have You Washed These?

The designer must not have realized that someone dumped many coffee grounds on a perfectly lovely dish that looks like this. Perhaps this was the look that they were going for?

Where The Sidewalk Ends

They maintained the same pattern, at least. The project manager just thought it would be easier to go around the post rather than cut bricks to fit around instead of designing the sidewalk extension.

Where The Sidewalk Ends

Where The Sidewalk Ends

We’re not sure we would have gone that way, but we don’t know all the facts, do we?! So maybe they could walk us through this sidewalk designing process! We can then judge what we think of the results after that!

How Much?

Is this a belt? Or is this a trend that we haven’t heard about yet? In either case, there seems to be a great deal of these garments missing. Perhaps this is a designer trying to kick off a new trend? Good to think outside of the box for you, but we’re not sure it’s going to take off.

How Much?

How Much?

But then again, a trend-setter is always looking to try something new, so what do we know? Perhaps if the designer discussed its inspirations with us, we would be more into it!

I’ll Crawl Back!

This may well be the first sign that the apocalypse of the robot is coming upon us. This bus wrapper’s placement is unfortunate, as, with the laser eye, it makes this baby look cute but deadly. The other child seems to be unaware that a cyborg baby is a friend of his!

I’ll Crawl Back!

I’ll Crawl Back!

Perhaps the person wrapping the bus could have moved his face a little to the left, and then it would be all right. Plus, we’d be able to see the face of that adorable baby girl.

Preventative Measures?

The designer who worked on his graphic design program, we believe, forgot to flip the picture. It seems to be more like a flamethrower, if not than a way to put a fire out. Just another look at editing all the images and checking them and that would not be a major concern.

Preventative Measures?

Preventative Measures?

Contrary to popular belief, they didn’t, and that leaves us with a bunch of questions. Not the least of which is – where is this flame thrower, we mean fire extinguisher?

Fight Club

This is one of those mishaps in design that really relies on how you read the sign. If you are very literal, it looks like people are fighting children with diabetes with this fundraiser. For such a cause, that does not seem very fair or appropriate.

Fight Club

Fight Club

Quite often, the layout is the biggest test when it comes to graphic design, and sad to say, and it looks like this designer failed!

Go, Go…Batman?

Well, we hate to say it, but this time around, whoever was responsible for packaging these toys might not end up winning Employee of the Month. As much as we love both the Power Rangers and Batman, we mean that they’re not even the same characters from a distance.

Go, Go…Batman?

Go, Go…Batman?

Let’s not forget, as well, that Superman’s cape is on the Batmans in this package. Maybe that’s why it went down to $2.99 for this product? Did they really think the kids wouldn’t notice those little details?

Spongebob, Is That You?

Hmmm. Why does this guy look so familiar? We just can’t put our finger on it! We’re only kidding. However, in all seriousness, this coin-operated mall ride has the face of Spongebob but the body of some sort of four-legged animal. 

Spongebob, Is That You?

Spongebob, Is That You?

And while we can understand what the designers were trying to accomplish here for all the kids who are big fans of Spongebob, we can’t help but feel that the ride was completely botched. We mean, this sponge turned horse even creeps out a little bit.

Bathroom Trip, Anyone?

The fact that women love to go to the bathroom with friends is no secret. It’s a familiar joke, actually. However, we can’t help but feel that the person who designed this bathroom didn’t think all the way through things. Men not only prefer to do their business on their own, but they also like to have space in general.

Bathroom Trip, Anyone?

Bathroom Trip, Anyone?

With that said, these toilets should be lined up so close together for no reason. It’s by far the weirdest floor plan for a bathroom we’ve ever seen. Whatever happened to privacy? Even ladies have problems with this …

Why Isn’t Anyone Using the Bike Lane?

Call us crazy, but shouldn’t bike lanes have railings on bridges? No? Are we the only ones who feel that way? As funny as it is to see this stupid design, the fact that people could get seriously hurt riding down this path with no railing to protect them is difficult to ignore.

Why Isn’t Anyone Using the Bike Lane?

Why Isn’t Anyone Using the Bike Lane?

Either the person who designed this didn’t fully think through this plan, or they’re just inherently evil. We want to think it was a mistake, but we can’t really be too sure. In any case, cyclists — be careful!

The Holy Grail of Light Switches

If we’re honest here, after reading this sign, we had an excellent laugh. We are not sure why someone would ever design a circuit in this way, where the light switch also controls the elevator, but we know that this may be one of the funniest designs that the list fails to make.

The Holy Grail of Light Switches

The Holy Grail of Light Switches

Of course, if we were put in a situation where someone turned off the light just to bring the elevator to a screeching halt while we were on the way to the sixth floor, we would probably not be laughing as hard.


Okay, well, so. We’re not going to lie; we understand the message behind this sign and the real intention, but anyone who wrote it certainly didn’t realize what they were doing at the time. Who reads from the bottom up, after all?



The answer is no one — no one reads from the bottom up. If you read this in the right direction, ‘Before you leave, forget to pay. Do Not STOP!!!’ you can’t help but feel like this coffee shop is insisting on giving you your order for free. Well, don’t mind if I do…

Those Poor Children

This sign makes us think about Hansel and Gretel an awful lot. We mean, these poor children! Why are people eating them?! And why is this sign so focused on having individuals put a leash on their dog — and clean up after them — when kids are dying?!

Those Poor Children

Those Poor Children

However, in all seriousness, who would make this kind of warning in the world? They might think it was amusing to jumble all the phrases as such, or they might be totally oblivious.

Getting to the Website Is Part of the Selection Process

You’ll definitely have to prove that if you really want a government job. It’s simple, though, so don’t worry! What you have to do is spend 20 minutes in your browser typing the URL.

Getting to the Website Is Part of the Selection Process

Getting to the Website Is Part of the Selection Process

We know it may seem a little tedious, but as we want to see how well you can read, it’s all part of the process. You’ll move on to the actual application process once you pass that inspection. Now, let’s see who is capable of handling this …

Fashion Fart

Oh, man. We can only assume, while totally hilarious, that this sign doesn’t necessarily bring a lot of business into the store. Then again, when they shop around for clothes, who wants the smell of farts surrounding them?

Fashion Fart

Fashion Fart

Of course, we understand that this sign actually says ‘Fashion Art’ or, at least, we hope it does, but the big ‘F’ bubble letter does not really help. We can only hope, at this point, that this place has decided to do some rebranding. Hey, who knows? Perhaps they’ve even hired a new designer …

Nothing Is Possible

In any case, this might be the most pessimistic and uninspiring yoga mat ever to exist, which is ironic, given that yoga is an activity that is meant to lift you.

Nothing Is Possible

Nothing Is Possible

Of course, it doesn’t actually say, “Nothing is possible,” but when they decided to place the I m of impossible on the white part of the mat, the designer didn’t think things through. Why would they not change the color of the font? Or maybe you’ll get rid of the white spots on the mat?

It’s Locked!

The purpose of the locked gate seems to be defeated by this design. There is no way for anyone not to realize that they could just walk around the fence and enter this seemingly restricted area. 

It’s Locked!

It’s Locked!

So why was the designer stopping by the gate? Was it a problem with money? Were they trying to come up with a statement?  So many questions! Enlighten us, please, so we can stop thinking about this!

Messaging Problems

You have to make sure that it comes through when you design a clothing piece with a message. This layout appears a little wishy-washy. Are they for or against? Especially when the hood is down, it isn’t easy to tell.

Messaging Problems

Messaging Problems

This is just a case of not testing out all the hoodie characteristics before sending it out to the world. But if we were this woman, we could choose not to wear a hoodie for the next rally … unless it’s cold, just hold the hoodie up!

Seems Obvious

All right, so we’re sure this design was made this way for a reason. Needless to say, it definitely seems like a big design error until you stop and really think about the concept. Especially with the color differences!

Seems Obvious

Seems Obvious

What the next move is, after all, is pretty evident. Hopefully, they make it clear that that is the point when the designer explains the notion. If not, then with the rest of these pieces’ faults, this design may also be lumped in.

Is This a Good Idea?

In the meantime, do you remember when your mom or dad yelled at you to keep your hands on the wheel!? Obviously, this invention designer didn’t have that experience, or this contraption would not have been created.

Is This a Good Idea?

Is This a Good Idea?

The driver’s seat may not be the place to use this product, although we appreciate a good neck pillow, and it is nice that they worked on a place to have your hands. So it might be more about the graphic designer than the inventor!

How Does That Work?

Great, so a waffle maker that produces snowflake pancakes is a fun holiday idea, right? But when you look at the image that the designer should have caught before it went to production, there is something very significant missing.

How Does That Work?

How Does That Work?

How does a traditional grid plate appear to make a snowflake? Can someone explain that to us?! It is impossible, and we are sure that there were some very unhappy people! Please don’t be fooled by this!
