Here Are Some Remarkable Disney Photos From A Closer Look

Published on 08/03/2021

Nick’s criminal past

While Nick is a sly fox, it turns out that he possesses a Golden Heart in Zootopia. At the beginning of the film, though, he makes several questionable decisions. It was a quick sequence, and unless you took notice to Nick’s troubled career path previous to joining the Zootopia Police Department, you probably missed a fine little joke about it.

Nick's Criminal Past

Nick’s Criminal Past

Nick checked “yes” for the question “have you ever been arrested?” as soon as he accessed the application. After making the edit, he crossed out the initial word “no” and substituted the word “yes” instead.


Well hidden Mickey Mouse

Another character that almost always appears in new Disney movies is Mickey Mouse. Mickey has to go to great lengths to conceal himself to keep them from spotting him, so it’s nearly impossible to catch him.

Well Hidden Mickey Mouse

Well, Hidden Mickey Mouse

Rajah, the tiger, is transformed back into her natural tiger form in this scene from Aladdin. And for a brief moment, her head resembles Mickey Mouse, nearly impossible to notice without pausing (just with tiger colors).