This Is What Your Dog’s Behaviors Really Mean

Published on 02/27/2020

Bringing You Toys

Just because your dog has presented yo with a toy does not necessarily mean that they want to play. Although the theory suggests that this is the case and they aim to please you, it can mean other things. Your dog believe it or not wants your respect, they consider you the alpha. Additionally, other theories pertain it to the fact that they trust you, in this sense, your dog wants to bring you something valuable. It does not mean that he wants you to enjoy his precious present.

Bringing You Toys

Bringing You Toys


When Dogs Yawn

This one is a rather ambiguous one. Dogs yawn when they feel at ease and a sense of safety or security. This constitutes as a sign of submission for dogs.  If your pup or dog starts yawning time after time it is simply a symbol of relaxation and them feeling comforted, quite a sweet gesture. On the contrary, this can also signal anxiety and anticipation. In the vet’s rooms when a pet yawns multiple times this can be a symbol of their stress. They may also do this before playtime or a walk in order to contain their excitement. Of course, just like us humans they yawn when they are tired too.

When Dogs Yawn

When Dogs Yawn