The Unthinkable Happened When This Was Dachshund Found Itself In The Lion’s Den

Published on 10/29/2018


Meet John Reinke. He is one of several people who had the opportunity to play with and raise large animals when they are still young. He pretty much took care of a tiger called Tony and a lion called Bonedigger ever since these creatures were just orphan little cubs. The three formed a rather unorthodox family, to say the least. However, John soon noticed something between his “kids”. When Tony gets a little too rough with John, Bonedigger would approach the tiger and growl!




Health Issues

You should know that the cub had health problems from the moment he was born. Bonedigger had metabolic bones, which meant they were weaker and more brittle than usual. Most animals with the same condition tend to not live to see adulthood. However, Bonedigger is a survivor and he made it despite the odds.

Health Issues

Health Issues