The Unthinkable Happened When This Was Dachshund Found Itself In The Lion’s Den

Published on 10/29/2018

Moving In Together

After some time, Abby and Bonedigger started becoming friends. This was when the keepers decided it was time to find them a larger place to live. The park moved the pair into a bigger enclosure and even provided them with adjacent beds. The new space also contained a big platform from where they could look over the rest of the zoo.

Moving In Together

Moving In Together


A New Pride

Joe knew that lions were social creatures and this is why he decided to allow the other dachshunds into the enclosure. This signaled the beginning of a new and unconventional pride. The three other dogs were Angel, Bullet, and Milo. Bonedigger welcomed every one of them into his pride.

A New Pride

A New Pride