These Celebs Are Not Staying Quite During Coronavirus Outbreak And Hopefully You Won’t Either

Published on 03/23/2020

Jimmy Fallon

We are all familiar with hilarious Tonight Show host, Jimmy Fallon. While you may him know like this, you may not know that he is quite the caring guy. He and his family are doing what they can to help out during these tough times, and he posted on Twitter a screenshot of his family’s donation to FeedingAmerica, hoping to inspire others to donate as well. Wow! We’re not even halfway through the list and the tears are already coming.

Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon


Justin Timberlake

Justin is a good friend of Fallon and was inspired by his post on Twitter. He too donated to Feeding America and added on Twitter, “Stay healthy, stay calm, and help everyone stay fed.” This just shows what a difference one person’s actions can make, let’s keep it up, people!

Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake