These Celebs Are Not Staying Quite During Coronavirus Outbreak And Hopefully You Won’t Either

Published on 03/23/2020


Clara Lionel Foundation is a nonprofit organization created by singer Rihanna, and today they are donating $5 million to help with coronavirus response efforts around the world. The donation will aid Direct Relief, Partners In Health, Feeding America, the International Rescue Committee and World Health Organization’s COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, as well as others.




Ciara And Russel Wade

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Wade and his wife Ciara decided to send one million meals to their local non-profit food bank, Food Lifeline. After seeing people close to them affected by this situation they couldn’t just sit back and they urge others to do the same. The couple also stresses the importance of keeping the faith and we think this is something we all need to keep in mind.

Ciara And Russell Wade

Ciara And Russell Wade