These Celebs Are Not Staying Quite During Coronavirus Outbreak And Hopefully You Won’t Either

Published on 03/23/2020

Justin Beiber

Even before COVID-19 was affecting the rest of the world, Justin Beiber couldn’t stand back and watch this virus destroy lives and pull families apart. He posted a video on Instagram back in February saying how terrified he was watching the news and seeing how the virus was affecting China. As a result, he decided to donate $29,000 to a Bejing-based children’s organization fighting COVID-19. This act was a way for Beiber to express how important it is for us to stick together around the world.

Justin Beiber

Justin Beiber


John Legend

John Legend joined a team of prison reform advocates with the hope of lessening the number of inmates housed in prisons. According to John, the spread of the virus will not cease, as long as overcrowding in prisons still exists. He urges the governor of New York to avoid incarcerating people and do what they can to prohibit guards from getting sick and passing the disease.

John Legend

John Legend