They Were Astounded By What The Water Revealed After Draining A 200-Year-Old Parisian Canal

Published on 03/11/2021

Strange Things In The Water

What was the object that sparked your interest the most? They discovered chairs, shopping carts, suitcases, trash cans, toilets, bicycles, and motorcycles at the bottom, just in case you forgot. A vintage stereo was also on the floor, in addition to the previously mentioned items. You never know what you’ll find when you go there.

Strange Things In The Water

Strange Things In The Water


Way Too Many Bottles And Cans

They discovered a lot of cans and bottles while draining the water out of the Canal Saint-Martin. Do you have any idea how many there were? We have our doubts that you correctly answered the question. They found hundreds of thousands of these things down there, after all.

Bottles And Cans

Way Too Many Bottles And Cans