They Were Astounded By What The Water Revealed After Draining A 200-Year-Old Parisian Canal

Published on 03/11/2021


In 2017, a 15-ton fatberg was found in the sewage system in London. If you’re wondering just what a fatberg is, let us explain: a fatberg is what happens when things like diapers, wet wipes, and other hard-to-flush items are flushed down the toilet. They all get swept into the sewers while getting covered in grime and fat, turning into a huge rotting mass that could cause massive blockages. The London fatberg was over 250 meters (820 ft) long!




An Electric Razor

There are many reasons a toilet can get clogged, right? We all know that. When this plumber fed his snake down the drain to figure out the source of the clog, the whole toilet began vibrating. Not what you’d expect working a job like that. It turns out that the homeowner’s cat knocked an electric razor into the toilet. The plumber’s snake happened to hit the power switch, turning it on and creating the vibrating toilet.

An Electric Razor

An Electric Razor