They Were Astounded By What The Water Revealed After Draining A 200-Year-Old Parisian Canal

Published on 03/11/2021

$12,000 in Quarters

No, we didn’t make a mistake with the number of zeros in the number. In a customer’s home, their gravity line happened to be backed up. So they did what any person would do in the same situation: they called a plumber. When the plumber came and inspected the drain, he found a huge amount of quarters blocking the pipes. He spent all day fishing them out. By the end of the operation, he had filled up two 5-gallon buckets with quarters. To this day, no one knows where all this money came from.

$12,000 In Quarters

$12,000 In Quarters



Who on earth would be flushing down a smartphone? They can cost over $500 a pop! Of course, that’s a cheaper smartphone. Nowadays, phones can cost as much as $1,000. It turns out that a whole bunch of smartphones was found in a drain. Most of them were broken. Instead of disposing of the electronics properly, these people decided to be lazy and flush them down the toilet instead. They probably didn’t realize doing so would end up costing them a lot more money. Just recycle your old electronics.

