After Being Suspicious, This Woman “Accidentally” Swap Her Drinks To A Man She Met In The Bar

Published on 06/21/2020

Polite Decline

The feelings of excitement and encouragement did not last and were gone the moment the familiar man entered the door. A huge grin was plastered on his face, and the handsome guy walked to the front, headed straight towards Lily Powles. The familiar man ordered the usual drink, which was rum and coke. The woman was knocked for six when the man passed over the typical chit-chat, and straightforwardly asked for her phone number.

Polite Decline

Polite Decline



Lily Powles was still in high spirits, so she politely declined the man’s request for her phone number. Because of the nature of her job, the woman had already gotten used to having different men approach her in the Gulliver’s Nite club. However, she set up a rule for herself, which she made sure to keep at all costs. Lily Powles made a promise to herself that she would never combine romance and her work. Aside from that, the work policy at the club forbade such relations.

