These Filthy Tenants Thought They Got Away With What They Did To This Landlord, They Were Completely Wrong

Published on 03/11/2021

A Revenge Served Well.

The air was packed with the beep-beep of the truck pulling up, Thomas’ maniacal laughter, and an awful stench. “Okay,” Thomas bellowed. “Set ‘er down!” Dozens of bags tumbled down into the dodging swarm of flies with a rumble and loud clang of broken glass. When the dust had settled, Thomas took a step back and marveled at the scene. His vengeance was a masterpiece.

A Revenge Served Well

A Revenge Served Well


A Man Named Thomas Ravaux

Thomas Ravaux was an upbeat man, and the couple with three well-behaved children who had inquired about renting an apartment from him had seemed pleasant enough. They had passed all of the financial and security checks with flying colors after filling out the necessary paperwork. There were no red flags, and Thomas was certain he’d made the right choice.

A Man Named Thomas Ravaux

A Man Named Thomas Ravaux