These Filthy Tenants Thought They Got Away With What They Did To This Landlord, They Were Completely Wrong

Published on 03/11/2021

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Some viewers have expressed their dissatisfaction: “Not a bad idea but if these tenants can’t pay rent moved to new place which is not their place you just made a big mess for a new landlord who now can sue you for jumping on his property. Think man. I know you’re upset but you put a new landlord in the middle and he did nothing to you.” Thomas, on the other hand, is adamant about his decision.

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Different Reactions


The Law Was With Him

In his defense, Thomas said, “It was carnage inside. Everything was totally destroyed. The carpet is messed up, there are holes in the walls, all the paintwork needs re-doing, and we will need to disinfect it all. The smell is unbearable. I had a legal representative witness the damage before we emptied the place,” He also has a message left for the tenants.

The Law Was With Him

The Law Was With Him