Life Pro Tips: Get Your Household Problems Sorted Out With Aluminum Foil

Published on 07/15/2019

Cutting Out the Mess in BBQs

You should be enjoying the summer by hosting a BBQ with your friends! Sadly, cleanup can get rough.

Cutting Out The Mess In BBQs

Cutting Out The Mess In BBQs

You can prevent a mess by layering foil sheets and placing it on the grill to reduce any dripping. This way, you just have to put soapy water on it and then scrub the rack.


Making Old Mirrors Bright Again

Mirrors tend to make a space feel roomy and bright. Unfortunately, they suffer damage after a while.

Making Old Mirrors Bright Again

Making Old Mirrors Bright Again

Mirrors and tin foil boast of similar reflective paint. You can heal the mirror by taping a tin foil strip on it.