Scottish Fold Breed In All its Glory
The Scottish Fold became one of the best breeds in the world due to its adorable appearance. Believe it or not, they’re all descended from a single ancestor named Susie. As a kitten, she had a cartilage mutation that resulted in her ears being adorably folded. She stayed in a barn in Scotland, where her owners began to breed her for more of her species. The breed quickly became well-known. They discovered, however, that the mutation had an impact on more than just the ears. When two mutant genes from Scottish folds are fused together, it can result in debilitating arthritis in children. Furthermore, they may still have issues with bone growth. While the appearance is cute and lovely, keeping the breed alive means preparing future cats for a life filled with health issues. As a result, animal rights activists are speaking out about the facility’s continued existence.

Scottish Fold Breed In All Its Glory
A Kitty Sketch On Its Forehead
The kitten seen below is not your typical tabby. It is, in effect, an endangered Scottish wildcat with marks on its forehead that resemble a drawing of itself. What a unique and adorable creature! Scottish wildcats look just like the domesticated critters we all recognize and enjoy when they are small. However, they quickly develop to be twice the size of a typical house cat. Scottish wildcats are the descendants of our beloved house cats as wildcat subspecies. They have existed, raised, hunted, and scattered across Asia, Africa, and Europe. However, their numbers are rapidly declining due to various problems, like breeding with domesticated cats or becoming domesticated themselves.

A Kitty Sketch On Its Forehead