The Giant’s Final Resting Place
The initial plan of his family was to bury Andre in Paris, near his deceased father, but it was explicitly stated in the wrestler’s final will that he would like to be cremated. It reportedly took two weeks for his family to find a cremation facility which was large enough to handle his size. The family held a funeral for him in Paris, but they respected his wishes and took his ashes back to the United States. The Giant is buried in the garden at his former residence in Ellerbe, North Carolina. His daughter Robin is his sole beneficiary.

The Giant’s Final Resting Place
Too Big For The World
People who were closest to Andre the Giant say that in spite of his stage persona and gargantuan size, he was really emotionally sensitive. In the TV documentary film André the Giant on HBO, Hulk Hogan talks about incidents where Andre’s sheer size caused some embarrassing problems, which included having to pee in buckets on flights because the restroom was too small for him. Andre revealed in the same documentary, “It’s difficult everywhere I go. They don’t have anything for big people. They’ve got everything for blind people, for crippled people, for some other people but not for big people. So, we have to fit in there and it’s not too easy all the time.”

Too Big For The World