Fate Intervened
According to casting director Jane Jenkins, she scoped out the tall people she passed on the streets of Los Angeles when she was trying to find a good giant to be in The Princess Bride. She thought that anyone who fit through a doorway was too short. Although there were a number of other contenders, the producers really wanted Andre, who was unfortunately set to do a multi-million dollar match in Japan during the rehearsals. Fate intervened, however, and his match was canceled, making Andre available to meet Jenkins and other casting staff in Paris.

Fate Intervened
He Let Out Gas On The First Filming Day
As previously mentioned, Andre the Giant liked to fart, and this hobby from his wrestling days carried over during his acting career. During the reunion of the surviving cast for the 30th anniversary of The Princess Bride, co-star Cary Elwes shared this story with fans via ABC: During the first filming day, the cast was already so comfortable together that Andre “let out a 16 second fart and brought production to a standstill. It could be heard three counties away.” “Nobody said anything except Rob [Reiner], who said ‘Are you OK, André?’ and André replied, ‘I am now boss.’ He was comfortable enough to do that!”

He Let Out Gas On The First Filming Day